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Plastic sheet machine production low energy, high stability performance is widely application development trend

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 Plastics machinery industry is one of the top ten machinery industry, its market development and technological innovation much national attention, it is the economic lifeblood of industrial machinery, for stimulating economic development has far-reaching influence in recent years, our sheets and other plastics machinery industry to achieve a qualitative leap, not only in terms of efficiency and quality have achieved a breakthrough in the development of plastic sheet machine machinery plastic machinery industry is one of the most representative.

Plastic sheet molding process in the field of polymer processing is the most varieties, the most for a wide range production results the fastest, most versatile, yield than the major way of molding, has an important influence in industrial production. Plastic sheet machine suitable for all macromolecular material, its products, including pipes, plates, sheets, films and other cable cladding layer and so complex, occupy 70-80% market share.

Plastic sheet extrusion machine has a single screw and multi-screw two categories, single-screw extruder for the batch, and multi-screw extruder may be continuous, single-screw extrusion production in the most basic way, but a multi-screw is In recent years, the fastest growing, most widely used sheet approach, both have their own advantages for development, customers can choose according to the actual situation, a simple single screw plastic sheet machine structure, low cost, suitable for extrusion of particulate matter easy operation; and twin screw extruder complex, high prices, have good plasticizing capacity, suitable for powder processed, production, extrusion speed.

Integrated on Syria, sheets and other plastic machinery machinery industry as one of the top ten, has a profound influence, with the development of the era of technology updates, plastic sheet machine continues to advance with the times, stable performance, widely applications, and efficient speed, low-power multi-output characteristics conforms to the development trend of the times to meet the rising market demand for development, in line with social issues of energy conservation.

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